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Creating The Ultimate Basketball Bedroom

You’ve made your mark on the basketball court. Ready to build your strategy for comfort in a basketball-themed bedroom? Let’s get started! You can think of your room in zones – your bed, flooring, walls – and create a game plan for a zone defense to include unique details in every corner of your room.


Build Your Base

One of the comfiest zones in your bedroom is the bed. You can start to build your ultimate basketball bedroom there, with an NBA-themed quilt or duvet cover. Add in a bunch of fluffy pillows to create a place that’s perfect for relaxing off the court. A coordinating set of sheets keeps you comfortable through the night and can incorporate your favorite colors to make your space totally your own.


Design the Full Court

You’ve built your comfort zone. Ready to create a space that helps you in other ways? You can choose a few furniture pieces that work with your theme and keep your space fun and functional. Start by looking at dressers and bedside tables that complement sports-themed rooms; you can even find sets that mimic locker room lockers! A study accent chair places in the corner of your room can create a relaxing spot where you can listen to music or curl up with a playbook.


Soften the Glare of the Spotlight

Take a break from the bright lights of the court by mixing in soft lighting throughout your room. A basketball-themed lamp on the nightstand or cool overhead lighting creates a space that feels welcoming and relaxing. It’s a helpful idea to place the light wherever you need it – near your workspace or next to your bed are great spots.


Display Your Achievements

You can also include shelving to display trophies or awards, corkboards for practice schedules or a magnetic board for ribbons. Try out a variety of different storage solutions for each type of item to keep your space sporty and sleek. Colorful storage bins can display the colors of your favorite team while organizing small items you use for studying. One awesome idea is to carry a locker room theme throughout, with a set of lockers to hold clothes, gear or books.


Create a Focal Wall

Keep your eyes on the prize by incorporating a basketball mural on a wall of your bedroom. It’s an easy way to simultaneously set the tone for your space and make a bold statement. You can also use paint in the colors of your favorite team – with or without a mural – to outline some cool court artwork. A bold stripe where the wall meets the ceiling can help the room feel taller.


Decorate with Photos

Print and frame your favorite sports shots to relive the memories of that championship game. A group of  cool photos can look great above your desk, behind the bed or on a blank wall. You might want to choose pictures that capture the action and spirit of basketball, and consider printing them in black and white for a standout effect.


Check the Floor

If you want to continue your basketball theme on your floor, incorporate the colors you’ve chosen for other zones in your room. You can use these to choose a rug that reflects your style and keeps your feet comfy. Go big across the whole floor, or use a small rug to define specific spaces within the room. A circular rug can look great under a lounge chair and side table, and a rectangular rug works its magic under a desk and chair. A fluffy rug can encourage lounging, while a lower pile rug requires a little less maintenance.