How Much is Enough?
Sleep Suggestions for Tweens & Teens

Sleep is an important part of daily life for people of all ages. Not only does it help energize you to keep up with your busy schedule, but it can also help keep your health in check, prevent you from experiencing injuries during sports practices, put you in a better mood and keep you looking and feeling great. But as a teenager, you know that making it to bed at a decent hour every night is not always feasible. You have homework, part-time jobs, practices, clubs and a social life. Read on to learn more about why sleep plays such a big role in your life.

How Much is Enough? Sleep Suggestions for Tweens & Teens

How Much Sleep Is Enough For Teens?

Before making an attempt to get more and better sleep each night, it helps to know how much is enough for your age group. Teens typically need more sleep than adults because their bodies are at crucial development stages. According to the National Sleep Foundation, teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep a night in a comfy bed. Studies also show that only 15 percent of people in this age group get at least 8.5 hours of sleep. What is preventing teens from getting enough sleep, aside from busy lives and daily obligations?

If you’re not getting enough sleep, you may be able to chalk it up to biology. Teens are inclined to stay up two hours later than they did as children, thanks to their biological clocks. Most teens don’t start feeling tired until 11 p.m. Sleeping in late on weekends can also affect your sleep habits. Experts recommend maintaining the same schedule during the weekend that you do during the week, but if you must sleep late, try not to go one hour past your normal wakeup time. Some teens also live with health conditions and diseases that can affect their ability to sleep or sleep well at night. Some of these include sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy and insomnia. If you think you suffer from one of these problems, talk to your parents or a trusted adult about seeing a doctor.

How Much Sleep Is Enough For Tweens?

Believe it or not, tweens, or kids ages 10 to 13 need even more sleep than teenagers. The average recommended time is around 9.5 to 10 hours. Many experts recommend going to bed at 9:00 p.m. if you're in this age group. Signs that you may not be getting enough sleep include:

  • Trouble waking up in the morning

  • Feeling irritable

  • Tired appearance

  • Trouble focusing around your bedtime

  • Frequently feeling like napping

  • Falling asleep while you're riding in the car or watching TV

  • Trouble paying attention in school or falling asleep at your desk


Why Is It A Big Deal?

You might miss a few hours of sleep some nights, and it might not feel like it’s affecting you.
You may also be wondering why it matters in the grand scheme of things. The truth is that it can lead to some consequences that eventually make you feel not-so-good. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’re more likely to:

  • Forget important dates, names and other information. You definitely want to remember everything you studied for that big test, right?

  • Have trouble learning new things

  • Be more susceptible to acne

  • Develop a weak immune system that can make it easier for you to get colds or the flu

To Get More Sleep, Follow These Tips

Keep a calendar or schedule of your daily activities for a week or two. Look for ways to add time to your schedule that you can use for sleeping. Cut back on energy drinks and soda, especially at night, because the caffeine can keep you awake. Energy drinks can’t replace lost sleep. Stick to a schedule, and go to bed at the same time every night. Make an effort to get up at the same time every morning too, even on the weekends. Lastly, make your room comfortable. Talk to your parents about buying more comfortable bedding or new pillows and a comfier set of pajamas. With these ideas from Pottery Barn Teen in mind, you can get more sleep and start feeling like your best self.